WP PDF Stamper discount, 10% off!

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EXCLUSIVE and GENUINE WP PDF Stamper discount deal, get 10% discount on ANY WP PDF Stamper license, also bundles. Click the green button or link above for more information!
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WP PDF Stamper review

If you are a person who sells eBooks from your website then you know the concerns that many are going to have. Once you have sold your eBook fair and square, even though the content is protected by copyright laws, a person could upload that file to a file sharing site and you would have a difficult time hunting down and punishing the guilty party. That is where WP PDF Stamper comes in. This PDF plugin for WordPress which is developed by Tips & Tricks HQ makes it possible to automatically stamp the name, email, address of the person purchasing your eBook in the footer of every page of that book. This one simple plugin can save you a ton of money on lost sales as it becomes next to impossible for this information to be shared in an illegal way. If illegal sharing does occur then it should be easy to track down the guilty party. This plugin can come to you at a real bargain of a price if you use the WP PDF Stamper discount offer available through WPdiscounts.com

This watermark plugin for WordPress also known as WordPress PDF Stamper is the perfect solution for discouraging sharing piracy of your valuable eBooks on the internet. Allowing you to dynamically stamp the sold copy with the personal information of the buyer will protect your assets and discourage illegal file sharing. When a copy of your eBook is purchased the plugin does the stamping and then sends that copy to the customer through email. You can even go deeper in your security tactics by password protecting the stamped files and encrypt them to prevent unscrupulous users from being able to print, distribute or sell your work illegally.

You won’t have to worry about how this plugin works because it comes with access to detail oriented tutorials that will guide you through the set up. There is a one time purchase fee which can be reduced a bit more by using our WP PDF Stamper discount. There is free technical support and of course free upgrades of the plugin delivered automatically for life.

There is no doubt that using the WP PDF Stamper coupon code is the most inexpensive way to purchase this watermark plugin for WordPress that will protect all of your eBooks from illegal sharing. This allows you to make the maximum amount of profit for all of your hard work. Your work deserves to be protected and this easy to use plugin will provide that protection for you.